[Kik_announce] KongisKing.net Newsletter (10/01/2006)

Michael Regina (Xoanon) xoanon at theonering.net
Sun Oct 1 14:13:30 EDT 2006

Vote for KongisKing.net!

Thomas Blackshear's 'The 8th Wonder of the World' Now on Sale!

KONG #80 - 2006

October 1st, 2006

Here is the weekly newsletter! Enjoy!

Kong Roundup (Top headlines of major interest)

Kong Deleted Scenes Details
Barry writes: Here are the BBFC listings of the King Kong Deluxe Extended
DVD deleted scenes with PAL running times. Each scene has an intro taking
the overall section running time around the stated 40 minute mark.

Peter Jackson Bio Update
Ringer Spy Irascian writes: Author Brian Sibley’s web site has just been
updated with information about the forthcoming authorised biography of Peter

Willis O'Brien Exhibit in San Fran
Miron Murcury writes: Kongophiles, Oh-Bees and Friends of Fellowships, you
should be among the first to know: there will be a small exhibition on
Willis O'Brien for the Oakland Public Library. You are all invited guests.
For those of you outside the San Francisco Bay Area, this exhibition will be
available on the web.

X06: Peter Jackson Forms a Game Studio
>From 1up.com: At its X06 event in Barcelona today, Microsoft announced a
partnership with Peter Jackson to form a new studio called Wingnut
Interactive to develop "world-class interactive entertainment." In addition,
the announcement mentions that Peter Jackson is involved with Halo 3 and a
future title based on an original property from Microsoft. Look for further
details on Wingnut Interactive and these projects as X06 continues.

Joe Letteri Talk at 'The Tate' Report!
Irascan writes: Joe Letteri was joined by a surprise “second speaker” – Andy
Serkis. The lecture lasted about an hour including an introduction, an
AutoDesk showreel, the talk with demos itself and Q&A from the floor at the
end, with about 200 attendees. I’d provide a report but in all honesty there
’s very little to report. There were some very cool demos of how New York
was digitally built and lots of “this was the real set and what we filmed”
pieces morphing into the scenes as shown in the film that were very
impressive, and a lot of discussion about Andy’s work with gorillas and on
set with Naomi Watts.

Vote for KongisKing.net!
The First Annual Movies.com Reader's Poll has nominated KongisKing.net as
one of the best 'Unofficial Movie Sites' of the year. Head on over to the
movies.com poll site and be sure to vote for us to win! The results will be
posted online soon!

WETAers art Exhibit in Wellington
Will writes: Thought your Wellington viewers might be interested in this. A
group of folks at Weta Digital are putting together a photo exhibition on at
Thistle Hall Community Gallery next week (17th-21st September, 2006). It's a
chance for people to see some art away from the fantastical worlds and
characters they have a habit of creating. It opens on Sunday the 17th at
6pm - there's bound to be drinks and nibbles available, but feel free to
stop by any time during the week and have a look. It'll be a fun, little
exhibition to come and see. For more information visit earlyworm.co.nz

Super Cool IBC Report with Pics & Video!
Kris writes: But not everything has settled down. This weekend I attended
IBC, a super large conference by and for the media industry. The whole topic
is the creation and delivery of content, be it television, websites or film!
One of the biggest stands was Apple, that talked about their Final Cut Pro
software packet, including Shake. They showed a heap of movie posters of
recent films that used Apple Shake, and one of them was Kong, next to Star
Wars and others.

Searching Skull Island (Breakdown of our various sections)

KONG 2005 - This section is specifically dedicated to Peter Jackson's
remake. Take a look at cast bios and video production diaries!
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/kong2005/

SCRAPBOOK - (Coming Soon): Currently we are linking to the King Kong section
of TheOneRing.net's scrapbook. It has over 300 images from the sets, the
actors and the press conference held just before start of production in
September of 2004.
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/scrapbook/

KONG FILES - Kong Files are a bi-monthly feature written by John Michlig.
Michlig's online article KING KONG: LOST AND FOUND can be seen at
http://www.skullisland.net/KongBoomer.html. He's currently working with
filmmaker James Mansfield on a documentary entitled EIGHTH WONDER: THE
startling details of which he promises to share in the very near future.
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/kongfiles/

KONG GAMING - A section devoted to everyone Kong Game related! From Chess
sets to console and PC games, this is the place you want to be!
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/gaming/

MESSAGE BOARDS - A great place to chat about Kong, PJ, or filmmaking in
GOTO: http://boards.kongisking.net/perl/gforum.cgi

LIVE CHAT - A java chatroom where you can login, meet Kong fans from around
the world, and get chatting!
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/chat/

KONG HISTORY: King Kong is back. In 2005, writer/director Peter Jackson, the
man responsible for "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy, will direct a new,
large-scale remake featuring a monstrous computer generated ape to be
created by Jackson's special effects company, WETA Digital. However, Kong's
origins lay long ago, towards the beginning of the last century in fact.
What follows is a history of the great ape's adventures, on both the large
and small screen. This history's films and TV series are the one's that were
widely released.
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/history/

CONTACT - Do you have a scoop about the upcoming Kong film? Maybe you found
some cool news related to King Kong online? Whatever it is, if you think its
worthy of the KongisKing.net homepage, then send it in! The process is
really easy...simply email us at spymaster at kongisking.net.
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/contact/

KIKN INFO: Whether it is to submit a spy report or to yell at us, we'd love
to hear from you! This is a community for Kong fans worldwide and you are a
valuable asset to making it work. Please email us your news, comments,
complaints, events, etc.
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/kikn/

FAQ: Everything you ever wanted to know about KongisKing.net, Peter
Jackson's film, and more!
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/faq/

That's all for now, keep clicking, have fun and keep sending in those
letters! We love to hear from you!

See anything you want to add to the site? Have any suggestions as to chat
guests, content items, or just want to say hi? Drop us a line at spymaster
at kongisking.net, do you want to speak with a specific person? just type in
their handle (i.e. Xoanon = xoanon at kongisking.net).

Michael Regina
Editor in Chief/Segment Producer
PH: 514.947.5221

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