[Kik_announce] KongisKing.net Newsletter (19/03/2005)

Michael Regina (Xoanon) xoanon at theonering.net
Sat Mar 19 13:33:47 EST 2005

KONG #22 - 2005: "Lights! Camera! Kong!"

March 19th, 2005

Here is the weekly newsletter! Enjoy!

Kong Roundup (Top headlines of major interest)

TV Watch: Adrien Brody on Ellen Clip
Adrien Brody was a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show yesterday (March 18th).
He was there to promote his new film 'The Jacket' and sadly didn't mention
King Kong. He did discuss his passion for auto-racing (as seen in Production
Diary: Day 97). You can download the clip from the show in Windows Media
File format. It is small and not the best video quality due to it being 8
minutes long. MAC and other non PCers users can download DivX to watch it.

Production Diary: Day 113
PD 113 focuses on the 2nd unit direction of Randy Cook, Randy and his team
have been all over the Kong map filming everything from Vaudeville-esque
scenes to shanty town slums and SKIIP ritual dancing (show us more
SKIIPS!!!). His team is the one that board the real Venture and film on the
open water, be sure to check out Andy Serkis getting nailed on what looks
like an exercise machine from hell. There are some great stunt shots,
green-screen action and more..plus who knew Jack Black could fly? Take a

Feltenstein Talks '33 Kong DVD
theonionavclub.com recently spoke with George Feltenstein, the Senior Vice
President in charge of Warner Home Video's classic catalog. In the interview
he mentions the 1933 King Kong restoration: 'it took us literally until just
a couple of months ago to get a proper element on King Kong, which is like
one of the ultimate, perfect DVD releases. Everybody thinks we held off
because Peter Jackson is remaking the movie, but that's just a coincidence.
There was an element in Europe that we wanted to get our hands on, and it
took a lot of negotiation with the archive that had it. We finally got it,
and the restoration is under way. People always think there's some kind of
conspiracy. [Laughs.]' Read the whole interview here.

Authors Costello & Golden talk KONG novelizations
Horror writer Matt Costello knows how to keep himself busy. In addition to
writing the backstory for the DOOM III videogame (see item here), working on
a new series of books—the first of which, IN DREAMS, will soon be published
by Berkley—and adapting his 2004 novel MISSING MONDAY as a TV series for the
USA Network, Costello has also been chosen to pen a book inspired by the
upcoming remake of KING KONG directed by Peter Jackson. "There will be two
books," Costello tells Fango, "a prequel and the novelization. My friend,
the writer Christopher Golden, was contacted to do the novelization, and he
and an editor recommended me for the prequel."

Production Diary: Day 110
Day 110 showcases the recent 'Global Partner Summit' held in New Zealand to
showcase King Kong for exhibitors, distributors and other bigwigs in the
movie business. Peter and his team have been working hard to get ready for
the summit. Those lucky folks got to see a full 18 minutes of the film! Only
a precious few seconds are shown on this PD (c'mon PJ...show us more!!!!).
Melissa Booth, Richard Taylor and others detail what the guests did and the
general feel of the summit...lucky lucky people!!

Searching Skull Island (Breakdown of our various sections)

Coming Soon:

March 24th: Joe DeVito Book Signing (Borders Books Music & Cafe, Ney York,

SCRAPBOOK - (Coming Soon): Currently we are linking to the King Kong section
of TheOneRing.net's scrapbook. It has over 300 images from the sets, the
actors and the press conference held just before start of production in
September of 2004.
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/scrapbook/

KONG 2005 - This section is specifically dedicated to Peter Jackson's
remake. Take a look at cast bios and video production diaries!
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/kong2005/

MESSAGE BOARDS - A great place to chat about Kong, PJ, or filmmaking in
GOTO: http://boards.kongisking.net/perl/gforum.cgi

LIVE CHAT - A java chatroom where you can login, meet Kong fans from around
the world, and get chatting!
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/chat/

KONG HISTORY: King Kong is back. In 2005, writer/director Peter Jackson, the
man responsible for "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy, will direct a new,
large-scale remake featuring a monstrous computer generated ape to be
created by Jackson's special effects company, WETA Digital. However, Kong's
origins lay long ago, towards the beginning of the last century in fact.
What follows is a history of the great ape's adventures, on both the large
and small screen. This history's films and TV series are the one's that were
widely released.
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/history/

That's all for now, keep clicking, have fun and keep sending in those
letters! We love to hear from you!

See anything you want to add to the site? Have any suggestions as to chat
guests, content items, or just want to say hi? Drop us a line at
spymaster at kongisking.net, do you want to speak with a specific person? just
type in their handle (i.e. Xoanon = xoanon at kongisking.net).

Michael Regina
Editor in Chief/Segment Producer
PH: 514.947.5221

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