[Kik_announce] KongisKing.net Newsletter (18/09/04)

Michael Regina (Xoanon) xoanon@theonering.net
Sat, 18 Sep 2004 10:23:11 -0400


September 18th, 2004

Here is the weekly newsletter! Enjoy!

Kong Roundup (Top headlines of major interest)

History Section Update
We have updated the History Section of the website with a little bit more
information on the past Kong related films. Thanks to the folks on the
boards and fans who emailed in updates.

'Sky Captain's' Shout Out to Kong
Kong fan Craig from Ohio found something rather interesting when watching
the Apple.com exclusive clip for 'Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.' As
the squadron of planes fly into the ocean you will see them pass the wreck
of a ship. The lights from a plane shine on the word 'Venture' and a
decimated cage is clearly noticeable on the deck. Check it out for yourself!

Production Diary: Day 8
Day 8 of Peter Jackson's production diary features Academy Award Winning VFX
Photographer, Alex Funke giving us a sneak peek at one of the trees from
Skull Island!!! He then heads down to the Venture set where we catch Jack
Black (Carl Denham) in full costume using a genuine classic film camera.
Take a look!

Production Diary: Day 7!
Day 7 of Peter Jackson's production diary takes us inside Studio B (famous
as the interior of Bag End in LOTR) and into the interior of the Venture! We
get a first hand look at the narrow passage-ways and less-than-firstclass
living quarters. Among the many crew we meet in this clip, you'll see
Academy Award winning Cinematographer Andrew Lesnie!

Kong Boards Now Online!
KongisKing.net is proud to open up our message board section! Feel free to
login and register your handle, and post away! You can chat about classic
Kong, new Kong, PJ, the actors and more! Get posting! (please be patient if
something goes !poof!, the boards are new and may still be buggy -Xo)

Production Diary: Day 6
Day 6 of Peter Jackson's production diary brings us a rainy day in
Wellington. Adrien Brody and Jack Black are 'at sea' on the Venture and PJ
gives us a tour of the boat. Be sure to check out Brody blowing away in the
wind and the patented 'Sea-Walk' technique they've developed!

Kiwi Actors Join Peter Jackson's King Kong
Two New Zealand actors known for television roles as a gay stripper and a
sneaky public relations boss have joined the cast of Peter Jackson's film
King Kong. John Sumner, best known as Giles O'Connor on the satirical show
Spin Doctors, will play Herb, a cameraman in a film crew headed by American
actor Jack Black, which tries to make a movie on Skull Island, home to the
giant gorilla. Craig Hall, who played gay stripper Clint in television
series The Strip, will also be member of the film crew.

Production Diary: Day 4
Peter Jackson updates his video production diary with this latest entry for
KongIsKing.net. Filming a scene with Jack Black and Naomi Watts, Peter takes
a time-out to give us a quick look at the diner set, including some of the
patrons' meals! Also be sure to watch a very special message from Black and
Watts, in full costume, to the fans!

View from the Empire State Building (Things seen from beyond the front page)


KongisKing.net is happy to announce we are finally 'selling' our own ad
space on all pages of KongisKing.net. If you are interested in reaching the
largest audience of fans online, visit our advertising page. No campaign is
too short and no business is too small to advertise.

Searching Skull Island (Breakdown of our various sections)

SCRAPBOOK - (Coming Soon): Currently we are linking to the King Kong section
of TheOneRing.net's scrapbook. It has over 30 images from the sets, the
actors and the press conference held just before start of production in
September of 2004.
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/scrapbook/

KONG 2005 - This section is specifically dedicated to Peter Jackson's
remake. Take a look at cast bios and video production diaries!
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/kong2005/

MESSAGE BOARDS - A great place to chat about Kong, PJ, or filmmaking in
GOTO: http://boards.kongisking.net/perl/gforum.cgi

KONG HISTORY: King Kong is back. In 2005, writer/director Peter Jackson, the
man responsible for "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy, will direct a new,
large-scale remake featuring a monstrous computer generated ape to be
created by Jackson's special effects company, WETA Digital. However, Kong's
origins lay long ago, towards the beginning of the last century in fact.
What follows is a history of the great ape's adventures, on both the large
and small screen. This history's films and TV series are the one's that were
widely released.
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/history/

EVENTS - (Coming Soon): A section that will keep you up to date on all
things Kong!
GOTO: http://www.kongisking.net/events/

That's all for now, keep clicking, have fun and keep sending in those
letters! We love to hear from you!

See anything you want to add to the site? Have any suggestions as to chat
guests, content items, or just want to say hi? Drop us a line at
spymaster@kongisking.net, do you want to speak with a specific person? just
type in their handle (i.e. Xoanon = xoanon@kongisking.net).

Michael Regina (Xoanon)   Editor in Chief/Segment Producer
xoanon@theonering.net     TheOneRing.net / KongIsKing.net
PH: 514.947.5221
ICQ: 32063161