News for Dec. 29, 2005

KONG WINNER: T. Cavanaugh from Iowa City

12/29/05, 11:14 am EST - Celeborn

Kong UnboundKong vs Juvenile V-RexNestle Bars

Congrats to our next winner: T. Cavanaugh from Iowa City, IA! They have won a KING KONG pack from Universal Studios, Playmates and Nestle. The pack includes a King Kong Hat, King Kong T-shirt, King Kong vs. Juvenile V-Rex Toy, and a paperback copy of 'KONG UNBOUND.' Have you entered our giveaway? There are no strings attached and its the easiest way to win the coolest Kong stuff out there! [Giveaway Entry] [Purchase the Book] [Purchase Kong vs Juvenile V-Rex] [Nestle]