News for Dec. 09, 2005

Andy Serkis IS King Kong

12/09/05, 12:09 pm EST - Xoanon

Edward Douglas writes: Most people will know Andy Serkis from…No, I can't do it. I just can't write another of my usual generic intros for this particular interview, since I'm beyond frustrated with how little respect Andy Serkis gets from his peers. For goodness sake! Let's give this talented actor an Oscar already! He helped create one of the most fully realized CG characters on film, as Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, but now, he's given humanity and true emotion to a giant CGI gorilla in Peter Jackson's remake of the monster movie classic, King Kong, and yet, he's probably going to be ignored again. It's bad enough that he plays the title role in the movie, yet ends up getting fourth billing. [More]