News for May 20, 2005

Post Production Diary - 30 Weeks To Go

5/20/05, 11:21 am EST - Xoanon

Post Production Diary - 30 Weeks To Go

The sound department is in full swing with 30 weeks to go before the premiere of King Kong. Crews are scouring Wellington to capture genuine sounds of everything under the sun. Crews are on boats, in the air (so to speak) and down in the mud (literally) getting thousands of sounds for the FX coordinators to use when mixing the film together...take a look! [QT6 240x132px 6Mb] [QT4 320x176px 12Mb] [QT6 480x264px 15Mb] [Bit Torrents!]

Email us your questions and PJ may answer them in a future Post Production Diary!

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