News for Mar. 18, 2005

Feltenstein Talks '33 Kong DVD

3/18/05, 12:23 pm EST - Xoanon recently spoke with George Feltenstein, the Senior Vice President in charge of Warner Home Video's classic catalog. In the interview he mentions the 1933 King Kong restoration: 'it took us literally until just a couple of months ago to get a proper element on King Kong, which is like one of the ultimate, perfect DVD releases. Everybody thinks we held off because Peter Jackson is remaking the movie, but that's just a coincidence. There was an element in Europe that we wanted to get our hands on, and it took a lot of negotiation with the archive that had it. We finally got it, and the restoration is under way. People always think there's some kind of conspiracy. [Laughs.]' Read the whole interview here. [More]