News for Jan. 26, 2005

TV3 Screengrabs from Clark's Visit

1/26/05, 12:29 pm EST - Xoanon

TV3 Screengrabs from Clark's Visit Gandalf writes: Prime Minister Helen Clark, the Minister for Arts and Culture, was invited onto the New York set of King Kong - with her visit covered and shown on TV3's news tonight (Wed 26 Jan). During the piece it was stated that filming was up to day 3 of the 3-week shoot, with Colin Hanks, Naomi Watts and Jack Black working on early scenes of the movie. Several views of the depression-era Manhattan created in Lower Hutt were shown with PJ stating that he wants the "most realistic period version of New York" possible. It was also reported that up to 300 extras are used to bring the set to life with principle filming finishing in April. Check out these images from the news segment. [More]