News for Oct. 28, 2004


10/28/04, 4:14 pm EST - Xoanon would like to give a big welcome to our new staff writer, John Michlig! John's new column, THE KONG FILES, will explore Kong legend and lore compiled from over a decade of research on all things related to the Eighth Wonder of the World.

He's the author of IT CAME FROM BOB'S BASEMENT, and is currently working with filmmaker James Mansfield on a documentary entitled EIGHTH WONDER: THE AMAZING TRUE STORY OF CARL DENHAM AND THE BEAST-GOD OF SKULL ISLAND, the startling details of which he promises to share right here in the very near future.

John's first article, 'Kong IS King,' is now online:

It's not a comfortable admission, but one I have to make right off the bat: I didn't get to view the original "King Kong" in its entirety until I was 18 years old. Your pity is gratefully accepted... [More]